What makes a cigar “box worthy”?

If a cigar can have just one criteria for quality, it’s gotta be its box worthiness.  We have all smoked cigars that were good, but missing that extra character that would encourage us to buy more.  I’m curious to hear everyone’s thoughts regarding what that missing element might be. Please feel free to comment.

Thanks for sharing,


4 Responses to “What makes a cigar “box worthy”?”

  1. TseNagi

    I’m thinking it has to have a Good-very good finish, All of the other qualitys will be good to begin with but the finish is the last down the list of criteria for the cigar and that seems to leave that lasting impression, you know like Hmmm I want to experience that again and again …

  2. Davis

    I agree. When you put it down, you should be ready to fire up another. You’re not done with it yet.

    Include with that finish a tasty stinkfinger that has you sniffing your fingers the rest of the night and a decent morning mouth that goes well with coffee next morning. Even the house should smell nice. In other words, you keep thinking about it.

  3. Marco Lebron

    For me this is a big question to answer. I feel that cigars are a sensory experience. I have had cigars that elevate your mood or have a very calming effect. I choose to smoke a wide variety of smokes for different times of the day. When I discover a new smoke I try to gauge not only the flavors but what effect it has on my mood and what time of day is the smoke good for. I like strong cigars in general so I experiment with different gauges of the same blend. I like to start the day with coronas in the morning, medium full robusto in the afternoon and end the evening with a strong toro. So when I make my purchases I have all these things in mind. When I find some thing I like, I usually purchase 2 boxes. 1 for smoking and 1 for aging. I have encountered though that what I like today I’m not so crazy about it later.
    And to that thought I have found that after being bored with one smoke I can come back to it a few months later and fall in love with it again. Complicated? I love exploring. Best regards.

  4. Bill

    Joe, it takes more than the WOW factor to be considered boxworthy; it already has the qualities we require or it wouldn’t be up for consideration. The true X factor is consistency.
    How many in that box will deliver whatever it was I expected from them? That’s what I use five packs for, and I ‘ll buy a $100 box if four out of five deliver. More expensive cigars demand more than 80% consistency for me. Like 100%, or more.


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