Posts Categorized: Tobacco-Cigars

The Cigar Blender As Artist, the Lancaster Wrapper Story

Intro… In modern American pop culture, the word artist can mean just about anything and has been used (or misused) in a variety of contexts.  This runs the gamut from someone who achieves greatness, to those pursuing any labor of love, regardless of the outcome.  But in the traditional sense, an artist is someone who… Read More

Under-The-Radar Cigars (or A Guide To Finding Good Cigars On The Cheap)

Cigar prices can be a bit of a mystery.  Eventually, most critical cigar smokers will come across an expensive cigar, only to feel ripped off when it doesn’t live up to its hype.  Conversely, we can sometimes be surprised by the quality of a stick to which we had little expectation.  A glance at Cigar… Read More

Nicaragua…the new Cuba? (or why Cuban cigar smokers hate non-Cuban cigars)

Nicaragua…the new Cuba?
(or why Cuban cigar smokers hate non-Cuban cigars)

I can already hear it…”No way!”…”Hell yes!”…”Don’t even go there!”… You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about”… ”You must be crazy to ask that question”. Maybe I am a bit crazy but this is a question I have been contemplating for a while.

Cigar Envy (or Hey, It’s Just A Cigar)

Cigar Aficionado can be a stimulating read.  The magazine’s glossy images of cigars are often referred to as “cigar porn” and justifiably so.  The lighting is dramatic, the cigar textures sensual, and the up-scale backdrops are akin to that of the Playboy Mansion.   To a cigar-lover, a “sexy” cigar photo has a lot of appeal.  Certainly… Read More

Cigar Memory, or Are Good Cigars Haunted?

Cigar Memory may be the single most important element that influences our likes and dislikes when smoking cigars. How we remember things guides us through life in every possible manner, but with cigars, “Cigar Memory” plays a heightened role.